How Does Hz Affect Your Monitor?

Considering the refresh rate is a must when buying a monitor. However, many of us were unaware. Over the years, there have been significant developments and innovations regarding monitors. Their refresh rates, features, sizes, number of panels, and inputs. We will go through most of them, and hour Hz affects your experience.

Understanding Hz

In this digital world, Hz can sometimes be confusing. But in plain words, we talk about the maximum number of times per second your image displays. This is measured in Hz. This process is also known as the refresh rate.

A standard monitor, which everyone has at home, has a refresh rate of 60Hz. If there is something less than 60, then you will see a flickering screen. This can later on cause straining eyes.

Even though cinemas ran just at 24Hz, our grandparents' TV ran at 50Hz. It is a well-known fact that currently, monitors display 240Hz. This is mainly in the gaming world, in which details matter.

Benefits of Higher Refresh Rate (Hz)


Pursuing faster refresh rates is crucial for gaming since it allows the screen to keep up with the rapid movements of a player. Here we will enumerate some benefits of getting a higher Hz monitor is the best option if you are a gamer.


Smoother Visual Experience

The most significant benefit of having a high refresh rate or response time is that the image will not look blurred. A blurry image will occur only if:

  • Slow response time. Pixels can take some time to transition from one state to a new one fully. This can happen due to ghosts or trailing images behind the new one. As a result, the slower the pixel responds, the longer and less clear your image will appear.

More information reaches your eyes if you get a higher refresh rate monitor. This leads to a smoother-looking motion.


Improved Responsiveness

In the case of a gamer, if you have a high refresh rate monitor, it is easier to track fast-paced action. According to some players, this makes it easier t aim since targets move more smoothly.

Another particularity is input lag. This is the delay between clicking an input and the game recognizing it. Getting a high refresh rate monitor will reduce the input lag. This is so because there is a shorter time between the click and the action happening on screen.

This is a tiny difference, just milliseconds. But in competitive scenarios, it makes a difference.

If you are a designer, engineer, or architect, these monitors offer an immense color palette and fantastic color accuracy. This means that if your design has a blue table, it will show the exact shade of blue you intended.

you have been a gamer for a while, and or listen to various gamers; you know that every tiny advantage matters.

Cost Benefits

Higher-quality monitors come with many noticeable visual improvements. But also bring a broader range of business benefits.

High refresh rate monitors with high response times also come with other premium features, such as full support for USB connections. This prevents you from buying chunky dock stations and reduces the cables at your workstation. This will make it tidier and, with fewer connectors, fewer problems.


Refresh rate and gaming.

Let' s be honest. If you are playing a standard game, having a higher Hz Monitor will not be the best investment. But if you are a serious gamer who spends long hours defending your kingdom or defending your country from zombies, then yes, a monitor between 120Hz and 144Hz is worth it.

This feature cannot be overseen if you are making your professional career depend on it. If you have displayed a project or played a game with a 144Hz, seeing it on a 60Hz monitor will make it feel ancient.

You will immediately notice the differences. From the speed of the mouse on your screen, image resolution, and tearing. Additionally, it reduces the blurring while our brains process things quicker. This is a difference more noticeable from 60Hz to 144Hz.

One point to remember is that getting a good monitor will not make you a pro gamer or an amazing designer. You will need to put in those hours to get to the standards. But we cannot deny that the gaming experience will definitely be different and better.


Matching inputs and outputs

You need to remember that getting a monitor with higher Hz will not magically improve the display quality. What we mean by this is that you must match the input with the output.

When the refresh and frame rate are mismatched, this can result in tearing. The graphic card is pushing out more frames than the monitor´s refresh rate can handle.



A sequence that commonly appears is screen tearing. This means that your image tears in half frames. This happens because the image's rate frame is higher than your monitor's refresh rate. 


Ghostbusting refers to the time it takes for a pixel to change color. This is directly linked to the refresh rate your monitor has.

 If you have a high refresh rate monitor, the response rate will be faster, reducing ghosting visuals. In some opportunities, it even eliminates them. If the technology is slower, you will get blurry visuals.


Frames per second (FPS)

Frames per second, also known as FPS, is the frequency in which an image is displayed. The more FPS your PC can push out, the smoother image you will get. This is when Hz or the refresh rate comes into action.

As we already mentioned, monitors have an assigned Hz refresh rate. If you run a game at 160FPS, and your monitor is 60Hz, then you have a problem, it needs to be matched. You need to run that game at 60FPS.

But you want a better monitor to use its full potential, right? You need to make sure the monitor can handle what your gaming PC can put out. This will make the response during the game and refresh rate top-notch. It will lead to better action time and decision-making. Plus, you will be quicker on your feet when it comes to shooting, turning, or any rapid movement you need to make.

Choosing the right monitor

When choosing the right monitor, you have a wide variety. Remember that getting a 144Hz if your current monitor is 60Hz is a considerable improvement.

You do not need to purchase the monitor with the highest refresh rate. Take into consideration the features that suit your needs. The display with the Hz, resolution, and screen size that matches your PC´s performance capabilities.

You can have a look at all our gaming monitors if you click here

Are they worth it?

If you are considering getting a better monitor for your gaming experience, this is a YES! However, if you only need a better monitor for your office work, then you can check our office monitors that offer 60Hz, which are more than perfect for you

For gamers who play fast-paced games, going from 60Hz to 144Hz or 165Hz, as some monitors we have, will make a difference.

Putting all together

Depending on what you want to do with your monitor, follow this rule of thumb: 60Hz is just suitable for office work or watching TV. If you are a serious gamer, architect, or graphic designer, we recommend a 144Hz or even a 165Hz.

Improving your monitor refresh rate will make your gaming experience smoother, without screen tearing, ghosting, and what matters the most faster. If you want a better gaming experience, read about this by clicking here.

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